Yes, Florentina lived the first 31/2 years of her life in a Romanian Orphanage.
She was born on a train and interned that same day.
Florentina at the orphanage - and the guest house before our flights home.
In 1997 Florentina was born on a train in Romania and lived her first 3 1/2 years in an orphanage. Florentina loved the airplane rides and double decker bus tour of London on a layover back to the States. She was like a caged bird set free! At 3 1/2 years old Florentina was the size of an 18 month old, had never eaten solid foods, was still in diapers and could not speak other than grunts and squeals. She did not know how to be picked up and held or take a bath.
Before receiving clearance to leave Romania, a female "doctor" told Florentina's mom "Why do you want her, she will never be worth anything. You should just leave her here." It would not be the first time her mom heard similar heartless statements from others. After arriving in the USA, Florentina suffered an adverse reaction to vaccines. "Encephalopathic Regression triggered by a cluster of vaccines" i.e. brain injury. The American doctor, a development pediatrician, insisted on re-vaccinating Florentina citing "poor refrigeration methods" in Romania. The doctor assured Florentina's mom the new series of shots "would not harm her, even if the vaccines she received in Romania were good." The doctor was dead wrong. A moment Florentina's mom would never forget and would forever regret. It took years and over 12 doctors before receiving accurate diagnosis' for underlying medical issues caused by the vaccines. Florentina will require 24/7 care the rest of her life. Thankfully Florentina has an unwavering and loving support system that allows her to stay in her home where she wants to be, and deserves to be with family. Over the years Florentina faced heart-breaking mistreatment and abuses by teachers and school staff and was shunned by other parents. After trying a number of public school settings, and their continual failure to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for Florentina, her mom stepped away from her career to homeschool Florentina full-time.
2022, Florentina is 25 years old and happily lives at home with her mom Andrea, kitty Lucy and bird Johnny Ray. She continues to create her art every day, all day, choosing to focus on the joy in the world.